icon2 Tributes


Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Tribute to Bunker 84


Country: World
Genre: RAC
Label: Streetfighting Records
Year: 2001
Bitrate: 320 \ FLAC (tracks)
Size: 180 \ 472
Scans: yes


01. Panzerjäger - Liberté (04:10)
02. Konkwista 88 - Jeune loup (02:50)
03. Bagadou Stourm - La paria (04:40)
04. Les Villains - Dure réalité (04:03)
05. D.H. - France (03:16)
06. ACAB - Classe ouvrière (01:55)
07. Ultimatum - Les feux de joie (04:52)
08. Celtic Cross - Jeanne (02:54)
09. Archívum - Vieux continent (03:04)
10. Frakass - Lâche dictature (05:11)
11. Lemovice - Les travailleurs Français (02:38)
12. Gesta Bellica - Victime des démocraties (02:59)
13. Dernier Rempart - Mein Kampf (02:48)
14. Etat D' Urgence - 357 Magnum (03:35)
15. Block 11 - KKK (04:16)
16. Chenin Blanc - Nacht und Nebel (02:07)
17. Vinland Warriors - J'irai pisser sue vos tombes (03:18)

Tribute to Legion 88

Tribute to Legion 88.jpg

Genre: RAC \ Oi
Year: 2006
Label: Street Fighting Records
Bitrate: 320
Size: 314
Scans: yes


CD - 1

01. Ultimatum - Thulé (02:40)
02. Valhalla - Vaincre (01:50)
03. Vinland Warriors - J'Avais Un Camarade (03:18)
04. Kolovrat - Légion Blanche (04:52)
05. Regnum Aeterna - Rudolph Hess (02:36)
06. Endovélico - Skinhead (02:01)
07. Insurrection - Terroriste (03:20)
08. Blitzkrieg - Légion 88 (02:51)
09. Es Trem Sud - PNFE (03:54)
10. Tollschock - Violence Nocturne (02:49)
11. Odal - Léon Degrelle (03:56)
12. Nordfront - Rêve De Gloire (04:19)
13. Blockhaus - Conquérant (03:22)
14. Frakass - Enfin Levé (03:18)
15. Jungstrum - J'Avais Un Camarade (03:24)
16. Lusitanoi - Thulé (05:17)
17. Verszerzödes - Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer (02:03)
18. 9ème Panzer Symphonie - Skinhead (01:44)
19. English Rose - Vaincre (02:01)
20. Action - Légion Blanche (05:28)

CD - 2

01. Stormwolf - Thulé (03:01)
02. Nordic Thunder - Vaincre (01:57)
03. Front Line - J'Avais Un Camarade (03:21)
04. Arianrhod - Légion Blanche (03:19)
05. Oi Dramz - Rudolph Hess (01:41)
06. Les Vilains - Skinhead (02:08)
07. Reconquista - Terroriste (03:14)
08. Bumfight - Légion 88 (02:20)
09. Archivum - PNFE (03:18)
10. Fraternité Blanche - Violence Nocturne (02:47)
11. Block 11 - Léon Degrelle (04:14)
12. Brigade M - Rêve De Gloire (03:30)
13. Les Valeureux - Légion Blanche (03:59)
14. Guarda De Ferro - Conquérant (02:24)
15. Lemovice - Révolte Blanche (01:36)
16. Panzerjäger - Rudolph Hess (03:01)
17. Injustice Side - Thulé (02:10)
18. DC - La Race Des Seigneurs (02:06)
19. DSH - Occident (02:21)
20. Molot - Vaincre (02:03)
21. Instinct De Survie - Rêve De Gloire (03:19)
22. Corona Ferrea - Terroriste (03:55)

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Tribute to Ken & Brutal Attack

Tribute to Ken & Brutal Attack.jpg

Genre: RAC
Year: 2008
Label: GNLS Records
Bitrate: 320
Size: 159
Scans: yes


01. English Rose - Put Your Hands In My Hands (02:59)
02. Sassem Bootboys - Every Dog Has Its Day (02:21)
03. Blackout - End Of My Race (02:44)
04. Spatter Pattern - Stronger Than Before (02:30)
05. Stevie & Mark - Deliverance (03:14)
06. Short Cropped - Weekend Warrior (02:51)
07. Vinland Warriors - I'm Free (02:57)
08. The Whiteheads - Return Of St George (02:10)
09. Sadko - Always Near (04:41)
10. Blood Red Eagle - Middle Class Fools (02:50)
11. Arrow Cross - R.A.C. (02:36)
12. Les Vilains - Take A Better Look (03:39)
13. Stormtroop 16 - Dear Mother (04:27)
14. Kolovrat - The Blood Is Strong (04:15)
15. Aggressive Force - Tell It Like It Is (02:28)
16. Frakass - Blood Of Our Kin (05:11)
17. Kill Baby, Kill! - Watching The Blood Fall (03:18)
18. Dissident - Ocean Of Warriors (04:56)

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A Tribute to Johnny Rebel and the CSA

A Tribute to Johnny Rebel and the CSA.jpg

Country: USA
Genre: Country
Year: Unknown
Label: Unknown
Bitrate: 320
Size: 69
Scans: yes


01. Colonel Lou - Johnny Rebel (01:52)
02. Bobby Horton - Everybody's Dixie (03:01)
03. Hoyt Axton - Oh, I'm A Good Old Rebel (01:53)
04. Bobby Horton - Wait For The Wagon (02:30)
05. Bobby Horton - For Bales (03:18)
06. Bobby Horton - Rebel Soldier (02:33)
07. Unknown Artist - When Johnny Comes Marching Home (02:10)
08. Johnny Freedom - Aint I Right? (03:06)
09. Unknown Artist - N-gger (02:13)
10. Jesse James - The South's Gonna Rise Again (01:55)
11. White Riders - Stand Up And Be Counted (01:54)
12. Unknown Artist - Segregation Wagon (02:08)

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Tribute to Hammer Joe Rowan

Tribute to Hammer Joe Rowan.jpg

Genre: RAC \ Hardcore
Year: 2006
Label: Rage Records
Bitrate: 320
Size: 77
Scans: yes


01. Definite Hate - Skinhead Boot Party (03:00)
02. Deaths Head - Fence Sitter (02:33)
03. H8Machine - Gun Control (01:43)
04. No Tolerance - Change Of Scenery (03:22)
05. Red White & Black - As The Tension Grows (02:29)
06. Malnatt - Strong Survive (01:23)
07. Definite Hate - Born To Hate (02:43)
08. H8Machine - Back To Valhalla (05:32)
09. No Tolerance - Instrumental / Revenge (01:11)
10. Malnatt - The Truth Will Set You Free (02:35)

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Tribute to Skrewdriver Vol.1


Genre: RAC
Year: 2004
Label: Moloko Plus Versand
Bitrate: 320
Size: 155
Scans: yes


01. Endlöser - White Power (02:13)
02. Intimidation One - Government Action (01:42)
03. Propaganda - Wenn Der Schnee Fällt (06:06)
04. Operation Racewar - After The Fire (02:41)
05. Vollendung - God Of Thunder (02:38)
06. Konkwista 88 - Tearing Down The Wall (02:26)
07. Deaths Head - We March To Glory (03:07)
08. White Wash - I Don't Like You (01:13)
09. Gegenschlag - Mr. Nine To Five (02:36)
10. Les Villains - Government Action (03:01)
11. Vollendung - Time To Die (02:15)
12. Konkwista 88 - I Know What I Want (04:00)
13. Offensive - Slay The Beast (02:41)
14. Intimidation One - Boots & Braces (03:37)
15. Titkolt Ellenallas - Europe Awake (02:38)
16. Red, White & Black - Invasion (02:12)
17. Gegenschlag - Their Kingdom Will Fall (02:34)
18. Patriot 19/8 - Suddenly (Bonustrack) (03:14)

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Tribute to Skrewdriver Vol.2


Genre: RAC
Year: 2005
Label: Moloko Plus Versand
Bitrate: 320
Size: 195
Scans: yes


01. Offensive - Back With A Bang (03:36)
02. Vinland Warriors - Triumph Of The Will (02:30)
03. Strikeforce U.K. - Their Kingdom Will Fall (01:56)
04. Agitator - Our Time Will Come (01:59)
05. Definite H8 - Free My Land (04:16)
06. Ultima Ratio - Down In The City (03:46)
07. Those Opposed - Showdown (02:58)
08. Feher Törveny - Land On Fire (01:55)
09. Propaganda - Reißt Die Mauer Ein (03:37)
10. Max Resist - Don't Need Your Love (02:09)
11. Agitator - 46 Years (01:58)
12. Death Head - Strikeforce (02:43)
13. Vinland Warriors - Return To Camelot (02:41)
14. Endlöser - Streetfight (01:37)
15. Rebel Hell - Hail The New Dawn (03:30)
16. Invisible Empire - Our Pride Is Our Loyalty (02:05)
17. Semtex - Never Give In (03:13)
18. Avalon - Behind The Bars (04:09)
19. Razors 88 - Tomorrow Belongs To Me (02:44)
20. Kolovrat - The Snow Fell (06:07)
21. Pure Blood - Voice Of Britain (02:52)
22. Kommando Skin - Mr.9 To 5 (02:12)

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Caustic Times - A Tribute To Empire Falls


Genre: Hardcore
Year: 2007
Label: Not 4 the weak Records
Bitrate: 320
Size: 105
Scans: yes


01. 25 Ta Life - Underdogs (02:28)
02. Creepout - Making Hardcore A Threat (02:29)
03. So Fucking What - War Is Inevitable (02:39)
04. Lider One - Enemy In Our Midst (02:18)
05. Lider One - Night Fall (01:48)
06. Lider One - Where The Wild Things Are (02:20)
07. Forward Area - Kudzu Alley (01:59)
08. Forward Area - The Tables Will Turn In The End (01:42)
09. NC Punchout - Our Time (02:58)
10. The Right Way - Etched In Stone (01:37)
11. The Right Way - Take A Stab At Society (01:42)
12. The Right Way - Fall Of The Empire (03:24)
13. Beniy Johnson - Ruins Of Camelot (01:33)
14. Simple Assault - Tone Deaf (02:28)
15. Simple Assault - Social Schism (02:36)
16. Mob Mentality 98 - Enemy In Our Midst (02:05)
17. Mob Mentality 98 - Caught Red Handed (02:03)
18. Mob Mentality 98 - Beat Down (01:55)
19. So Fucking What White Trash Country - War Is Inevitable (01:58)

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Tribute to Strikeforce - In Memory of Reposkin

Tribute to Strikeforce.jpg

Genre: RAC \ Hardcore
Year: 2006
Label: Iron Eagle Division
Bitrate: Vbr
Size: 108


01. Bound For Glory - The Iron Eagle Flies Again (03:16)
02. Gestapo SS - Traitor Crusher 88 (01:18)
03. Attack - Loaded Gun (01:25)
04. Empire Falls - Who Dares Wins (02:20)
05. Vinland Warriors - S.H.A.R.P. Scum (02:51)
06. Kill Or Be Killed - Aryan (01:01)
07. Definite Hate - Link To The Past (04:38)
08. Kolovrat - 88 RAC 'n' Roll Band (01:59)
09. English Rose - Hail! (03:18)
10. Gestapo SS - Banned From The Pubs (02:04)
11. Attack - Wings Of Eagles (02:17)
12. Pure Rampage - Changing The Game (04:51)
13. Kill Or Be Killed - Hate (00:43)
14. Vinland Warriors - Time For Payback (03:10)
15. Empire Falls - Underdogs (02:32)
16. Public Enemy - Strength Through Oi (02:13)
17. Definite Hate - Hail My Brothers (03:25)
18. Hassgesang - Final Fight (02:53)
19. Public Enemy - White National Socialist (03:16)
20. Pure Rampage - Pure Unadulterated Oi! (01:55)
21. Race War - They Were Heroes (02:48)
22. Hassgesang - Ein Ganzes Volk (03:22)
23. English Rose - Proud To Be A Skinhead (03:10)
24. The Gits - Alcohol For All (03:12)
25. Bound For Glory - Doctor Martin Dental Plan (02:04)
26. Race War - September (02:04)
27. Kolovrat - Hammerskins (02:39)

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